Career and Technical Education
Jumpstart Your Career with CTE at ECPPS!
Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs at Elizabeth City-Pasquotank Public Schools give high school students hands-on training in in-demand career fields to jumpstart their futures after graduation. From healthcare to skilled trades to cutting-edge tech, we offer over a dozen focused tracks.
Students gain practical knowledge, professional skills and even industry credentials through coursework, simulations, apprenticeships and work-based learning. Whether exploring healthcare careers in our hospital-grade labs or building structures in construction courses, CTE gives real-world experience.
ECPPS CTE pathways include:
- Healthcare Sciences
- Automotive Technology
- Computer Science & Cybersecurity
- Early Childhood Education
- And More!
CTE courses engage students’ talents and interests for college and career success. Earn professional certifications and college credits at the same time!
Unlock your child’s career potential today with CTE at ECPPS!
Elizabeth City-Pasquotank Public Schools and the Career & Technical Education Department does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, disability, or age in its activities and programs, including employment policies and practices. Employees or students of ECPPS who feel that they have been discriminated against should contact Shelia Overton, 1200 Halstead Blvd, Elizabeth City, NC 27909, 252-335-2981.
Las Escuelas Públicas de Elizabeth City-Pasquotank y el Departamento de Educación Profesional y Técnica no discriminan a ninguna persona por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional, género, religión, discapacidad o edad en sus actividades y programas, incluidas las políticas y prácticas de empleo. Los empleados o estudiantes de ECPPS que sientan que han sido discriminados deben comunicarse con Shelia Overton, 1200 Halstead Blvd, Elizabeth City, NC 27909, 252-335-2981.
CTE Contacts:
Shelia Overton
Director of Career & Technical Education
(252) 335-2981
Helga Brown
Curriculum & Instruction Management Coordinator
Shenita Moore
Special Populations Coordinator & Apprenticeship
Northeastern High School
Cortney Simpson
Career Development Facilitator
Pasquotank County High School
Mary Grace Luton
Career Development Coordinator